Sunday, February 05, 2006

A point on men.

There is a telling scene about men in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season Three, Episode 20) when Anya, a demon turned human, who is just starting to gain human feelings, asks Xander to the prom.

Xander is resistant, so Anya says: "Look I know you find me attractive. I see you looking at my breasts."

Xander says: "Nothing personal, but when a guy does that, it just means his eyes are open." (It doesn't mean that he likes her).

But in the end, Xander goes with Anya because he doesn't have any other potential dates for the prom.

Sometimes I think if a man really wants to get laid, or really wants a date to the prom, or whatever, he will lower the bar and take the last woman standing if he must.

That's why there are prostitutes with three teeth who are able to maintain a steady business.


Anonymous said...

One rather suspects that such a phenomenon is not entirely limited to men; who else would marry all the wife-beaters?

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I'm sensing a bit..something... towards men here lol!

Anonymous said...

I think this is definitely a two way street. It baffles me how men can aquire a f*** buddy that they are not attracted to and will continue a 'relationship' to his (and only his) convenience.

In the same effect, as coatman said, girls will cling to a less-than-perfect (ie. disgusting slob or helpless idiot) relationship just so she is 'not alone.'

some poeple just don't realize that being 'alone' is not so bad.

Anonymous said...

Coatman and Matilda Jane, you are totally right, some women can stick with some pretty mean men for reasons most of us can't even fathom. And sure there are better men out there for them.

Some men might be commitment-phobes, but some women are commitment-excessive. They will latch themselves to a man for better or worse until the woman can find herself being in a pathetic situation. She puts up with the man and allows him to treat her like garbage because that's her man.

That said, Matilda Jane, I don't get it either. How can men sleep with women they are not attracted to on any level?

Anonymous said...


Sometimes men make themselves such easy targets.

But then again . . . so do women.

Anonymous said...

MJ, good points. I settled once. I would never do it again. And there is nothing wrong with being alone at all.

Anonymous said...

dating life, the last girl I went out with I wasn't really attracted to. She had a great personality and we got along well but I wasn't able to, well, find myself getting "excited" whenever we'd have sex. I know it's time to bail when that's the case. For me, I have to be physically attracted to someone.

Anonymous said...

And you think that would be the case for most guys, but not always so.