Thursday, November 30, 2006

Killers and Sins

A good friend of mine with a little too much time on his hands decided to anagram my name.

He came up with "seen any killers" and "really keen sins."

Yikes. Killers and sins? No fuzzy bunny rabbits for me. Perhaps it's appropriate because I covered the crime beat for two years as a journalist, which is why nothing phases me anymore.

Now I'm onto more uplifting subject matter - education and the arts, which is why nothing phases me.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Poetry and Prose

A friend of mine was recently told she should stay clear of poetry and write fiction only. It was a prestigious literary editor that made the observation.

My friend's poetry wasn't making sense to anyone.

But I don't think she should give up on poetry. If it doesn't make sense, it probably means she was being abstract, instead of using concrete images. That's all. She can learn to use concrete images.

Poetry is a craft. It can be learned. I hate people who say give up instead of learn.

Mind you, I'm in limbo right now. In the last week, I got two rejections from literary magazines. One with a penciled note saying: "Interesting poems. Try us again later." And the other was a half page typed letter saying: "This is usable material. Now here's my critique..."

While those are better than your standard form rejections, it's still no publication.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Path to Enlightenment

I have come to an obvious realization. That things only bother me if I let them.

I should not worry about what other people are doing. Yes, my neighbour plays his music too loud and the cocky kid in karate once again budded in front of me in line, even though he's a lower rank.

But it only bugs me, if I let it. To get angry isn't worth it. To greet an annoyance with patience and acceptance is a challenge worth taking . . . a very difficult challenge.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Surprise Attacks

There are certain hazards to owning a cat

For instance, my cat has developed a recent fascination for shoe laces. I'll be tying up my boots and from out of no where my cat will lunge forth and attack my laces with great fury.

There's nothing more challenging than trying to tie your shoes with a cat taking swings at, not only your laces, but your hands. I've gotten a few scratches here and there.

Now I have to tie my shoes in hiding.

I wonder what a cat whisperer would have to say about that? Probably nothing my cat wouldn't laugh at.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hot Stuff

My girlfriends and I went to the hospital cafeteria for lunch today.

We do that from time to time, even though we aren't visiting anyone specific. The food is pretty good and so are the male nurses and young doctors who work there.

While there, I was thinking what would happen if there was a fire. It would be impossible to get all the patients out, especially those on oxygen or those out on the surgery table.

Hopefully, they have a good sprinkler system.

Monday, November 06, 2006

A Different Planet

It always amazes me how two people can watch the same movie, newscast or whatever and have a completely different opinion of what they saw.

Take for instance The Usual Suspects, which I thought was a total waste of time since I figured out the ending well before it ended.

I ruined it for the people I watched it with, because when you figure out a movie like that you have to make your predictions out loud. No one will ever believe you figured it out if you make your predictions after the movie.

I didn't think there was much to The Usual Suspects, but many people disagree.

Hence why there will always be conflict in the world. Our opinions, beliefs and perceptions are built of brick. It takes a lot to knock a brick structure down and it's always a chore to rebuild.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Drama and Documentary

I went to the Laramie Project last night. Essentially the Laramie Project is a play about how the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard ripped apart the community of Laramie, Wyoming.

Instead of having a normal play structure with traditional acts and scenes, the Laramie Project was pieced together like a documentary with actors reciting actual interviews from the residents of Laramie.

The Techtonic Theatre company spent a lot of time in Laramie doing the interviews with the residents, so it was really neat to see what is essentially journalism in the form of drama.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


I was looking at my collection of t-shirts the other day, particularly those that were gifts from friends or family.

One says: "100 per cent Grade A B*tch"

Another says: "Do I look like a freakin' people person?"

A third says: "Does not play well with others"

And a fourth says: "You can't see me."

Hmm. Perhaps my friends are trying to tell me something?

Friday, November 03, 2006

Hail the copycats!

Weapon of Choice, by Fatboy Slim, is a super cool video.

How can you go wrong with Chrisopher Walken dancing and flying through the air?

Now what's weird as that there has been more than one university student who has felt the need to copy this video.

Recently, both the University of Saskatchewan and McMaster University had students do so.

Although the U of S one is funny and the McMaster University one is okay, these students have way too much time on their hands.

Never have I felt the need to recreate a video, let alone post it to the Internet.

That said, when I saw the U of S video I had to send it to 50 of my bestest friends.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


A young person, like me, who has the exact same name as I do, died on Monday.

As a result, I've been fielding phone calls. People want to know if I'm still alive.
