Monday, February 06, 2006

Napoleon Dynamite Days

There are days when I feel like Napoleon Dynamite, where I probably look like an eccentric weirdo.

Like today, when I was out in the cold, walking up the hill near my work. I had my big Sorel boots on and a plastic bag in hand. I had my scarf around my face and my toque on, looking like a kindergarten kid wrapped up by her mother, on her way to school. But hey, it was really cold out!

I'm sure I had a ho-hum look on my face and was probably walking slow and without purpose. I probably could have been one of those characters right out of Napoleon Dynamite (had it been shot in the winter and in a place that gets snow).

But what can I say, it was one of those days.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

It's not just cold. It's windy. We have an expression: "It's not a windy day until you see your dog blowing away."

That expression didn't come from no where. Plow winds, as they are called, are horrible, especially in the winter.

And if you run, you risk the chance of slipping on the ice.