Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Getting there

Whenever I talk to high school kids going into university who say they are going to be a doctor or a lawyer or whatever, I tell them: "Wait and see."

It's not that I want to discourage them from their career goals. It's just life has a funny way of taking over, leading you to where you least expected to be.

If you look back over your last 10 years did things turn out how you expected them to for better or for worse?

There is no way of knowing where you'll end up next. Try as you may.

Sure you can plan, but things might not turn out to be what you expected.

Life is funny.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Greater Message

I've always believe that the universe is trying to tell you something when you keeping running into an acquaintance you wouldn't normally see regularly.

Unfortunately, I've never been able to figure out what the universe is trying to tell me. Putting my run ins with people together, it seems nothing more than a strange coincidence.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Fast Food Nation

We were raised to crave the foods we crave.

What kind of sadistic society do we live in that raises us to crave chocolate and pop instead of carrots and eggplant.

We are continually being sold things that are bad for us - Big Macs and cigarettes.

Let's make a buck well we can. Who cares if the product gives people lung cancer and heart problems.

It's a sick, sick world.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Oh Canada!

I am always amazed at how Canadians have an identity and culture unique to Americans.

You would think being neighbours to the U.S.A., we would be completely absorbed. But yet we have our own issues.

Our politics are completely different. And we have our own TV shows that make fun of our politics and current events - like the Rick Mercer Report. Although Lorne Michaels, one of the masterminds behind Saturday Night Live, is Canadian.

When it comes to Canadian culture we have Tim Horton's and "Roll up the Rim." Tonight I caught myself counting my Canadian Tire money and contemplating what I would buy with it.

A lot of our popular music is often a part of the underground scene in the U.S.A.

The Bare Naked Ladies have been successful in Canada for over 14 years. But it took a long time for them to catch on in the U.S. The Bare Naked Ladies were first listened to by American college students before hitting it big on the American airways. The Bare Naked Ladies maybe only have been popular in America for half their career - but they were huge in Canada long before that.

Canadian television is often weird and I think it's starting to rub off on Americans. Was the American TV show Arrested Development really that new and innovative or had its creator watched a little too much CBC in his day.

Any Canadian can name any Canadian actor or actress that has made it big in the States.

I don't know maybe Canada influences the States as much as they influence Canada. It's just neither country really realizes it.

Although, then again my spellcheck tried to replace the CBC for CBS.


"The things that people in love do to each other they remember, and if they stay together it's not because they forget, it's because they forgive." - Indecent Proposal

But the question is what is forgivable and what isn't?

Even if the two of you are deeply in love, one of you could still commit an unforgivable act.

Or can people that deeply in love really hurt each other? When in love, you are more likely concerned about what your loved one is feeling.

Or are you?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Ice and Rubber

Why is it when you are small you can fall to the ground with little injury?

Yeah, as a kid you might cry about it, but in terms of actual injury, you're fine.

I guess kids are closer to the ground.

As an adult, if you fall on the ice, you get more scrapes and bruises. Your back aches for four days and you've thrown out your shoulder.

As you get even older, the probability of breaking something becomes even higher.

As we age, we go from rubber to glass.

Single Notes

Ian McNeice wrote that being single is a constant battle with optimism.

How true.

When single we always wonder: Will I be single forever? Will the next guy be the one? Or will the next guy be another miserable drama?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A bad day...

A recent bad day started off by dropping cantaloupe guts on my foot and then, later, slipping on ice outside of work in front of my boss.

The Perfect Date

Often the best dates are simple, like a walk on the beach.

The best dates occur when you and your date are yourselves and just click. Everything happens naturally.

During a good date nothing is forced. The conversation isn't awkard and the kiss just feels right.

The best way to doom a date is to plan it and plan it and plan it. With all that planning, there is too much pressure. It is expected to be perfect. And what is "perfect" anyway?

Perhaps spontaneous dates are best.

Monday, March 06, 2006

The Oscars

A war could break out the same night as the Oscars and sadly not many would care about the war.

Why are the Oscars so widely watched? Why do we care what the celebrities are wearing?

The speeches are the most pretentious ever. Let me paraphrase what was said Sunday night: "The movies are so important. What we do is so important."

But in actuality it's like: "Dude you're an actor who makes way too much money. You're not the prime minister. You make movies - not cause wars."

And then there was Reese Witherspoon's speech about how she tries to make serious movies that make a difference. Her career has largely consisted of movies like Legally Blonde, Sweet Home Alabama and Election.

All she did was die her hair brown and play the girlfriend of a singer. It was no Syriana or Crash. It didn't really try to teach the world of its own inhumanities.


There should be more mirrors out there. That way when you run into a cute guy, and smile at him, you don't have to feel embarrassed.

Because, an hour later, you realize your hair was a wind blown mess with a piece of straw stuck in it.

Not only did the cute guy see you this way, but so did everyone else in the free world who you encountered in the last hour.


There should be more mirrors out there. That way when you run into a cute guy, and smile at him, you don't have to feel embarrassed.

Because, an hour later, you realize your hair was a wind blown mess with a piece of straw stuck in it.

Not only did the cute guy see you this way, but so did everyone else in the free world who you encountered in the last hour.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

The more you suffer...

"I wrote her off for the tenth time today . . . But she came over. I lost my nerve. I took her back and made her dessert. Now I know I'm being used . . . I know she's playing with me . . . That happens more than I'd like to admit." - The Offspring

Why do we find ourselves in such situations? Are we just suckers with no self-esteem?

Sometimes we put up with people's crap just so we can be in a relationship. We say it's because we love them, but we don't. Because our right person would never treat us that way.

Yet we can get so "I need to be in a relationship" obsessed that we can find ourselves putting up with anything.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

An Empty Menu

I recently went to a restaurant with no chicken. They were all out. No chicken breasts, no chicken fingers. Could it get any weirder?

You think that the manager would notice they were running low and send someone to the store for an emergency pick up. But no.

When we asked if they had milkshakes. The response was: "Well we have milk and we have chocolate ice cream. So, yeah, I guess I could make one."

That is when we should have put the tip on the table and started deducting 50 cents every time the waitress said something else stupid.

Let's just say there wouldn't have been much of a tip left.

If only...

Have you ever met that person who is your perfect match? But they're the same sex, the opposite sex but gay, or just too old or too young.

How many times have you said: "If my best friend was a man I would marry her in a heart beat."

Have you ever met that person who is your perfect match? The two of you hung out together, but neither of you could get up the courage to bump it up to the next level. And the relationship fizzled and died in all the sexual frustration.

These are the dating what ifs that haunt us. What if we found the one but we didn't realize?

Or maybe God is tortuing you by making your perfect match a gay male and you female.