Monday, May 21, 2007

Driving, Ms. K.A.

I didn't have a car until I was 24-years-old, which means I had to mooch a lot of rides.

I always figured when I finally did get a car, I would offer rides to any friend in need. But now that I have a car, I realize how annoying it can be to drive other passengers around.

People are inconsiderate. They leave garbage in my car--pop cans, used tissues and a number of other disgusting items. If my car were messy, maybe this would be allowable, since I likely wouldn't notice. But my car is ridiculously clean, so it actually drives me nuts.

To be polite, I keep my music turned off when I have a passenger, since I can appreciate that not everyone likes the Beastie Boys. However, some passengers feel the need to turn on my stereo, unasked, and then dig through my glove compartment, also unasked, and flip through my CDs and complain about my taste in music. I think this is outrageous.

I also hate it when people invite you somewhere and then expect you to drive. My rule is: if you invite someone, you drive. Agreeing to meet at a location is also acceptable. I hate it when I get invitations like this: "Are you going to the rock concert? If so, it would work really good for me if I could get a ride with you?" Way to make a person feel used.

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