Sunday, March 05, 2006

The more you suffer...

"I wrote her off for the tenth time today . . . But she came over. I lost my nerve. I took her back and made her dessert. Now I know I'm being used . . . I know she's playing with me . . . That happens more than I'd like to admit." - The Offspring

Why do we find ourselves in such situations? Are we just suckers with no self-esteem?

Sometimes we put up with people's crap just so we can be in a relationship. We say it's because we love them, but we don't. Because our right person would never treat us that way.

Yet we can get so "I need to be in a relationship" obsessed that we can find ourselves putting up with anything.


Anonymous said...

It's better to be with the right person than with nobody, but it's better to be with nobody than with the wrong person.

Anonymous said...

You've said that before. Is that one of your personal rules to live by?

If it is, it's a good one.

Anonymous said...

So damn true...maybe staying is a way of trying to "get" something for your trouble. Something tangible you can walk away with to justify all the time and energy you wasted!

Anonymous said...

wise sista, I think we all want a little something for all the time and trouble.