Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Getting there

Whenever I talk to high school kids going into university who say they are going to be a doctor or a lawyer or whatever, I tell them: "Wait and see."

It's not that I want to discourage them from their career goals. It's just life has a funny way of taking over, leading you to where you least expected to be.

If you look back over your last 10 years did things turn out how you expected them to for better or for worse?

There is no way of knowing where you'll end up next. Try as you may.

Sure you can plan, but things might not turn out to be what you expected.

Life is funny.


Anonymous said...

Wine is good for you.

I love the old cliches about career. Frankly, having come of age in the early 1990s, I was told I was redundant anyway, so I've never burdened myself with expectations. Based on how I was informed 15 years ago, I feel lucky not to livbe 'neath a bridge. Kids these days are DEFINITELY back to expecting the world...and some, surprisingly, get it. -Fez

Kelly said...

Yes, pgh, life is funny and wine is good.

Fez, shouldn't we expect the world?

Although, I've always been one to keep my expectations low, so I'm never disappointed.