Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Beauty and the Beast

"The psychic scars caused by believing that you are ugly leave a permanent mark on your personality:" Joan Rivers once said.

It's a tale as old as time. For some reason we think we're ugly. And we put this message out to the universe, so the people around us believe it too.

But I've read if we can reverse this thinking, and be confident with the way we look, people will view us as attractive.

Maybe we're not airbrush model beautiful. But our uniqueness and confidence makes us attractive, like Sophia Loren. She was voted one of the most beautiful women in the world at the age of 66. Yet, when she was 16, she was told by Hollywood bosses that her nose was too big and her mouth was too wide. Loren was told to get plastic surgery. She didn't follow that advice and was still beautiful to the world because she believed she was beautiful.

Perhaps it is our physical imperfections that outline our beauty.

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