Thursday, April 27, 2006

Still water runs deep.

I am not an emotional person. Actually, I take that back. I’m very emotional. It’s just I’m a “crying-on-the-inside” girl.

All my emotions are contained in a stainless steel cylinder. Occasionally, I surprise myself when a single tear falls down my cheek.

Think Warf from Star Trek Enterprise, or better yet Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. It’s just the way I am. If I was capable of expressing my emotions publicly, I would, but it’s too awkward for me.

As a result, people treat me like I’m not human. They assume I’m hardened and callous, which is not true at all. It’s a misunderstanding.

I cry during the sad parts of movies. It’s just on the inside. Just because I don’t show the hurt, doesn’t mean there isn’t pain.

People often don’t get me gifts, because they think I don’t appreciate them. But I do. I just don’t gush. No matter how grateful I am, no matter how cute I think something is, I won’t show it.

My lack of visible emotion is a disability. It keeps me distant from others.

I’ve come to believe the people who seem the hardest on the outside are probably the people who feel emotion the most.


LynnieC said...

It wasn't because we didn't think you'd like a present, it was because we didn't think you were a butterfly eraser kind of girl. I didn't get one either, if that makes you feel better.

Anonymous said...

I understand. With people I'm a tough cookie on the outside. (though on movies.. well.. it's a different story). Hang in there. Once people get to know you they should be able to pick up the subtle signs. There are ALWAYS signs.

I promise... I'll never let your "inside emotions" keep me from getting you a present. *smile*


Kelly said...


Later that day, my sister had found a butterfly pin that belonged to my Grandma.

She was like: "Do you want this? Or wait, you probably don't like butterflies."

And I was like: "Come on people!"

Kelly said...

Thanks nikkirae.

LynnieC said...

I know, we're such idiots.
You just don't seem like a girly girl and butterflies are so girly.
Next time I feel compelled to purchase a useless, pretty thing, I'll get you one too.

Kelly said...


No worries.

I'm just more surprised you didn't comment on the peanut butter and pickle post, because you are such a fan of pb&p.