Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas Cards

The act of sending Christmas cards makes you think about who your friends really are.

There are those you send Christmas cards to without question: your best friends who have been there over the years, family members, etc.

But what about those in your address book who you have not spoken to in years. Should you send them a Christmas card? Would it be a pleasant surprise for them to receive the card in the mail? Or is it pathetic on your part to attempt to revive an old friendship with a card? Is it a waste of time? You know that person won't even return your act of kindness with a simple phone call to say hello. But do you send them a card anyway?

Do you send a card to that all but forgotten acquaintance you run into in the mall a few weeks before Christmas? Do you send cards to your enemies to show you can turn the other cheek?

Why not just send cards to everyone you know? Every name you can think of and every person you can track down. It's a way to say that you are thinking of them and the roll they played in your life.

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