Saturday, May 26, 2007

On backwards and inside out...

"Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty." - Sicilian Proverb

I once went a whole day wearing a shirt inside out, and it was on backwards. It was the kind of shirt where it would have been pretty obvious to anyone I met. Yet, no one, not even my friends, told me. When I got home and saw how I was dressed, I was completely embarrassed I had been out in public looking that way. (Sometimes, if I'm running late, I don't have time to look in the mirror before I step out the door).

According to the Sicilian proverb, does this mean I have no "real" friends?


Rhett Soveran said...

Maybe it just means you should look in the mirror. Nothing wrong with vanity.

Kelly said...

Yeah. I've learned there's a lot to be said for mirrors