Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Timing is everything.

If you want to get married, you have to find a guy who wants to get married. You know, a guy who already has the house and career he wants. Find a guy who is happy where he is in life.

If you find a guy whose upgrading his education or thinking about moving to a new city then run, even if you seem to be perfect for each other. This guy is too busy thinking about himself and isn't ready to make decisions as a couple. Unless you're willing to make some sacrifices for him and he's willing to let you, it will never work out.


Anonymous said...

Here here.. I couldn't agree more, and btw - this definitely works both ways.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. It's nice to have a guy agree with me for a change.

Anonymous said...

Just browsing the internet, very interesting blog.

Anonymous said...

As a graduate student who researches couples, I love to see what advice is being spread via internet. Nice.