Monday, May 28, 2007

The Real Environmentalists.

There is such a stigma against dumpster divers--the people who dig the pop cans and scrap metal out of back alley garbage bins. But these people are another one of society's unsung heroes.

Dumpster divers reuse and recycle for lazy people who can't be bothered. I think such lazy people should be paying the dumpster divers more than the 10 cents deposit for each bottle. It's a lot of work to sort through the trash to reduce the amount of waste someone else is sending to the dump.


Brenda Schmidt said...

I used to do some dumpster diving while out on pickups when I volunteered for the recycling centre. I don't understand people who don't recycle.

Kelly said...

Me neither. There is a guy in my building who has these wild parties and then dumps cases upon cases of bottles into the dumpster the next day. I'm like: "Dude, you could get $40 at SARCAN for that many bottles."

He's the kind of guy who makes a dumpster diver's day... and any environmentalist cringe.